As a small press, we collaborate closely with each author to guide a book’s development from concept to completion. Across all genres, we are committed to creating exceptionally edited, beautifully published books. We encourage submissions from a wide range of potential authors. If you are interested in publishing with us, please follow the submissions guidelines below closely.

Submission Process and Expectations 

General Submissions Guidelines:

We accept email submissions only, which can be sent to Please follow the general guidelines below as well as the genre specific guidelines.

When you send an email, please include the word "Submission" followed by your last name in the subject heading of your email. In the body of your email, please include a brief paragraph describing you and your project and attach your proposal (see below) as a single Word file or PDF. File should be under 5MB. We will not open links or downloads.

We read each submission and will acknowledge your proposal within four weeks. Due to the volume of submissions, we are unfortunately not always able to personally respond to every submission.

If you are an agent, please email us at directly.

Adult Non-Fiction/Fiction Trade Submissions:

We publish art and design books, cookbooks, photography, travel, and select non-fiction and fiction books. We are intrigued by unique perspectives, inspiring stories, and beautiful visuals.

What to Include in Your Proposal:

1. A single page cover letter, describing you, your project and why you would like Jumelle Press to publish it. Please indicate if you are submitting to other publishers simultaneously.

2. Please include a sample of your content to help us visualize your project. This can include: an outline, sample illustrations or photography, recipes, existing work, etc.

3. Please describe the ideal consumer/reader of this book. If you have an online audience, or relevant profession connecting you to this audience, please explain. Also include here a list of three current existing titles (include publisher and publication date) and share how your project is different from these titles. We want to know where you envision your book on the shelf, and how it will stand out in a competitive market.

4. Please include a biography that shares your connection, whether personal or professional, to this material and your existing publishing credits.

Children’s Trade Submissions:

We publish picture books, non-fiction, and middle grade. Innovative storytelling and whimsical illustrations are sure to capture our attention.

What to Include in Your Proposal:

1. A single page cover letter, describing you, your project and why you would like Jumelle Press to publish it. Please indicate if you are submitting to other publishers simultaneously.

2. Picture book proposals should include the book in its entirety, not to exceed 500 words. For author-illustrators: please include at least three sample illustrations.

3. Non-fiction book proposals should include either the entire text or a one-page outline, sample text, and your connection to the material.

4. Middle Grade book proposals should include a one-page synopsis and three sample chapters.

5. If your proposal is part of a series, you are welcome to include this in the cover letter, but do not submit more than one project at a time.

Freelance Portfolio Submissions:

We hire freelance illustrators, artists, graphic designers, and photographers. If you are interested in being considered for contract work, please send an email to, and include a brief description of who you are, your experience, and what you are interested in working on. Please either: attach a single Word document or PDF no longer than three pages, with a sample of your work, or include a link to your website or portfolio. 

Freelance Writer Submissions:

If you are interested in being considered for contract writing work on our books, please send an email to, and include a brief description of who you are, your experience, what you are interested in writing, and a link to your website or portfolio. Please share with us if you have experience in a specific genre, or are passionate about a particular topic. We will keep your information on file and reach out when a project emerges which you might be interested in.